
Im Alter von 34 Jahren strebt die Dirigentin Ni Fan danach, eine der großen Dirigentinnen ihrer Generation zu werden. Sie ist die erste Frau, die eine Professur im Fachbereich Dirigieren am ”China Conservatory of Music” innehat, und außerdem eine der renommiertesten Dirigentinnen ihres Landes. Die lange Liste der Orchester, die unter ihrer Leitung standen, umfasst unter anderem das National Ballet of China, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, und so weiter.

Sie ist auch eine der wenigen, die es geschafft haben, in Deutschland einen Masterabschluss und ein Konzertexamen in den Fächern Soloinstrument, Kammermusik und Dirigieren zu machen.

Ni Fan, the Professor of the Conducting Department at the China Conservatory of Music, teaches at Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin at the same time. She is the visiting scholar at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Furthermore, she is the resident conductor of China Youth Philharmonic Orchestra.

Ni Fan, the first who has obtained Konzertexam in conducting of the University of Music Saar in Germany. Studied with Prof. Manuel Nawri. During her study in conducting, Ni Fan has received the appreciation and recognition from many respectful conductors, for instance conductor Markus Frank, the director of Anhalt State Theater, French conductor Jean-Philippe Wurtz,Prof. Sean Edwards, the dean of the Conducting Department of Royal Academy of music London.

Ni Fan has conducted many famous orchestras including the Saxon Wind Philharmonic, Zaafran Ensemble Berlin, Ensemble Adapter Berlin, LUX NM Berlin,Ensemble Ö Zürich, National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Tianjin Symphony Orchest, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra, Shaanxi Symphony Orchestra, Jilin Provincial Symphony Orchestra, Lanzhou Symphony Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra, Hongkong Chinese Orchestra, Beijing Chinese Orchestra,and has conducted the Anhalt Philharmonic Dessau in the famous “Implus Festival” for two consecutive years. She has collaborated with the soloists including Xiaogang Ye, Bin Huang, Siqing Lv, Weiling Xu, Mengla Huang, Zhijiong Wang, Bixia Wu, Haoyin Xue, Li Lao and so on. She has also conducted numerous world premieres and which were highly appreciated by the composers.

In the beginning of 2019, Ni Fan has conducted three operas co-produced by Deutsche Oper Berlin and Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin, and therefore has been widely praised. Same year in the June, Ni Fan served as music director in the production of the Neue Musik Forum, and later successfully conducted the chamber music concert of the German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Saarbrücken.


范妮曾与德国莱比锡交响管乐团、 Zaafran Ensemble Berlin、 Ensemble Adapter Berlin、 LUX NM Berlin、Ensemble Ö Zürich、中央芭蕾舞团交响乐团、北京交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团、深圳交响乐团、天津交响乐团、浙江交响乐团、四川爱乐乐团、陕西交响乐团、吉林省交响乐团、兰州交响乐团、贵阳交响乐团、北京民族乐团等合作演出。合作过的艺术家包括叶小纲、黄滨、吕思清、徐惟聆、黄蒙拉、王之炅、吴碧霞等,并曾连续两年在著名的“Impuls”音乐节中指挥德国安哈尔特爱乐乐团(Anhaltische Philharmonie Dessau)。她指挥过的多部新作品世界首演获得了作曲家们的一致赞赏。2019年初,范妮在德意志歌剧院与柏林“汉斯·艾斯勒”音乐学院联合制作的三部歌剧中担任指挥,受到广泛好评。同年6月,范妮作为音乐总监参与制作了新音乐盛典(Neue Musik Forum),并于此后成功指挥了萨尔布吕肯德国广播爱乐乐团室内乐音乐会。

Regardless of her status—be it as a conductor, a performer, or a professor—Ni Fan's dedication to music is always the same: ambitious, down-to-earth, and brave, aiming to be a trendsetter of the times.

TouTiao News


In addition, Ni Fan has performed with Berlin Concert Hall Orchestra, Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, AKAMUS Berlin, Saxon Brase Philharmonic, Hongkong Chinese Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchetra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra etc.

Ni Fan has given performances internationally, including China International Music Festival, the German Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Music Festival, the Kissingen Summer Music Festival, the Budapest Tavaszi Music Festival, Berlin Philharmonic Hall, Berlin Concert Hall, German National Opera House, the State Theater Braunschweig, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Hamburg Concert Hall, National Cent re for the Performing Arts of China, Beijing Concert Hall, Shanghai Concert Hall, Guangzhou Opera House, Jiangsu Grand Theatre, Zhuhai Huafa Grand Theatre, Shenzhen Guangming Arts Centre, Wuhuan Qintai Concert Hall. As the the winner of “Live Music Now” Foundation Awards that is sponsored by Yehudi Menuhin, Ni Fan is passionate about philanthropy, performs tens of charity concerts every year in Europe. Furthermore, she has been filmed documentary by Deutsche Welle and has been praised as "the most potential and promising musician" by media. Lately, she’s successfully cooperated with National Ballet of China for the first round commemorative performance of 60th anniversary of The Red Detachment of Women’s premiere, the world premiere ballet Dream of the red mansions, and Swan Lake, Giselle, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella etc.
